mercoledì 25 marzo 2020

DAD e attività alternative: 10 musei internazionali da visitare comodamente da casa

Risultato immagini per musei

Secondo post su didattica a distanza e attività alternative. 10 musei da visitare stando a casa: tour virtuali e collezioni online.

1. Pinacoteca di Brera - Milano
La Pinacoteca di Brera, aperta al pubblico nel 1809, si trova nell’omonimo palazzo, dove hanno sede anche altre istituzioni culturali, quali la Biblioteca Braidense, l'Osservatorio Astronomico, l'Orto Botanico, l’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere e l'Accademia di Belle Arti.

2. Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze
Scopri i capolavori delle nostre collezioni e la loro storia, navigando tra gli spunti suggestivi e le immagini ad alta definizione delle mostre virtuali proposte dal nostro staff

3. Musei Vaticani - Roma
Il Catalogo online dei Musei Vaticani presenta le informazioni essenziali relative alle opere d’arte mobili (non agli ambienti, edifici, o loro decorazione) esposte lungo il percorso di visita. Il database - ancora in fase di implementazione e disponibile al momento nella sola lingua italiana - è periodicamente aggiornato, revisionato e arricchito.

4. Museo Archeologico - Atene
The National Archaeological Museum is the largest museum in Greece and one of the most important in the world. Originally destined to receive all the 19th century excavations, mainly from Attica and other parts of the country, it gradually took the form of a central National Archaeological Museum and was enriched with finds from all parts of the Greek world.

5. Prado - Madrid
The Museo del Prado opened to the public on 19 November 1819 as a Royal Museum of Painting and Sculpture. In 2019, we celebrated our Bicentenary, a commemoration that will reveal the path covered since 1819 until today.

6. Louvre - Parigi
Visit the museum's exhibition rooms and galleries, contemplate the façades of the Louvre... Come along on a virtual tour and enjoy the view, thanks to the sponsorship of Shiseido.

7. British Museum - Londra
The British Museum has about eight million objects in its collection, half of these you can see on the British Museum collection database. Enjoy some of the earliest objects created by man to works by contemporary artists.

8. Metropolitan Museum - New York
Art has the power to connect, to heal, and to build communities. While The Met has temporarily closed its doors to fight the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we remain committed to our mission to inspire knowledge, creativity, and ideas, even while our visitors are hunkering down at home.

9. Hermitage - San Pietroburgo

10. National Gallery of art - Washington
During the temporary closure, visit the Gallery virtually through video tours of current exhibitions, in-depth looks at highlights of the collection, online learning opportunities, audio and video recordings of lectures by artists and curators, and more.

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